– don't panic, just another work-in-progress from Daniel Prendiville

Posts tagged “UK

Graphix Nouveaux – 090713

Sponsored by “The Beatles”.

Spent a bit of time this morning editing the prospective album cover, plus another graphic which will appear “somewhere” in the middle of the design.

I also selected a number of jpgs from yesterday’s photoshoot. They are all medium shots with background, so I might do up a cropped set featuring my lovely visage (irony…). I’ll probably do that over the next few days.

I have to do a quick trip to the UK at the weekend, and I’m off on an internal road trip next week, so things are going to be pretty quiet projectwise over the next wee while. Good job there’s no rush on me…;-).




The Moral Guardians Make A Housecall/Graphfreaks 2 – 020613

Sponsored by “No Genre”.

I’m taking the plunge and releasing …GUARDIANS… as a download-only EP on next Saturday (8 June).


It’s a 4-track EP (as against a “4-track” EP), featuring …GUARDIANS as a full single mix and also an instrumental demo mix, together with NO ONE ANSWER and an “Accidental Karaoke Instrumental” mix of JOFUS IN THE GARDEN.

The EP will be available from Bandcamp and Reverbnation, as per usual.

Details on the EP release are available here.

Hope you take the time to check out the EP and that,  of course, you enjoy it.

In other news, I’ve done some more work on the graphic design for the album. I can’t complete that until I’ve finalised the running order and taken a few pics. Best get on with that, then…

Things are going to be disrupted round here, in a pleasant sort of way I might add, for the next few days, as my elder daughter makes a surprise visit from the UK for a job interview. I won’t be able to do any more mixing or mastering in the short term, so I’d best get on with some editing. Yeah, that would be a plan…;-).




The Long March – 180513

Sponsored by “Added 2011”.

Most of the main vocal parts are now edited in CE5. I’m trying to break 5 separate parts into 3 and I have most of that done successfully. Some individual lines need to be tweaked, but I won’t be able to tackle that until next week at some stage.

That’s it for the moment. Off to the UK in the morning for a few days. See youze next week…




The Long March – 170513

Sponsored by “Added 2010”.

Did some preliminary editing of the vocal parts in CE5. Also added one of my Sound Effects Library files. I need to do some more sound effects. And a bit of synth.

I hope to get some more editing done tomorrow, but I’m off on a road trip to the UK on Sunday and won’t be back for a few days. So I may not get to do any more edits on this for some days. Such is the way of the world, but it’s all in a good cause!




God’s Punchbag – 110513

Sponsored by “40s Music”.

Edited the vocal parts in CE5. Not all done yet, but I think I just have some tidying-up which I should get sorted tomorrow.

In other news, my elder daughter is coming back from the UK for the weekend, so I’ll be travelling up to Dublin to pick her up. Gas thing is, we’re going over to the UK to see her next week.

Mad world, wha’..?;-).

