– don't panic, just another work-in-progress from Daniel Prendiville

Posts tagged “The Beatles

Graphix Nouveaux – 090713

Sponsored by “The Beatles”.

Spent a bit of time this morning editing the prospective album cover, plus another graphic which will appear “somewhere” in the middle of the design.

I also selected a number of jpgs from yesterday’s photoshoot. They are all medium shots with background, so I might do up a cropped set featuring my lovely visage (irony…). I’ll probably do that over the next few days.

I have to do a quick trip to the UK at the weekend, and I’m off on an internal road trip next week, so things are going to be pretty quiet projectwise over the next wee while. Good job there’s no rush on me…;-).




God’s Punchbag – 150113

Sponsored by “The Beatles”.

Busy day today. Tracked 12 replacement Tele parts on the Tascam using the Pod 2.0. Audio cleanup in AA3 and inserted into the relevant project file in CE5.

The track sounds a whole lot better now, but since I’ve changed some of the parts from strummed chords to arpeggios, I think I might have to add some MIDI synths to “suggest” some of the strummed chords.

Still, that’s a job for another day…

…and it seems I’ve done all my “fix” tracking for now, so I’ll be in heavy editing mode for the next while, starting tomorrow, when I have the house to myself for the day. Huzzah!


dj(50 yesterday, thanks for asking…)p

A Kingdom Too Far – 120912

Sponsored by “The Beatles”.

Edited the MIDI drum parts in CE5. Sounds fine now.

I have minor timing issues with the Jazz Bass parts. I toyed with the idea of programming some MIDI bass parts, but that may not be quite as easy as it sounds, and I don’t want to get that keyboard bass vibe you get when you string a few notes together. Alternatively, I could just track a new set of parts on the Jazz Bass, and I might just do that if time allows (I know that I’m in charge of deadlines here in the Gulag, but I can’t let this project run on forever, y’know). As a last resort, a bit of judicious EQ-ing and editing might mask the more offending incidents, and then we can all pretend it was recorded live in one take by an enthusiastic, but not necessarily totally competent beat combo. Ain’t that right, kids…?.

We may be looking at EP material, perhaps. Some tracks, needs must, won’t make the album. Maybe the weeding-out process is starting now. We’ll see…




Down From The Mountain – 020812

Sponsored by “The Beatles”.

Recorded 7 Strat parts on the Tascam using the Pod 2.0. Audio cleanup in AA3 and inserted into the relevant project file in CE5.

Came together rather quickly (and thankfully…).

More work tomorrow.


