– don't panic, just another work-in-progress from Daniel Prendiville

The Moral Guardians Make A Housecall – 201012

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The more eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed that I didn’t do any editing at all yesterday, in spite of my vain promise to do so.

But I made up for it today. I edited the Tele parts in CE5 and tweaked a number of the Les Paul parts too.

And I went further and programmed up 8 MIDI drum parts, using the Roland Juno-D/Phonic Firefly/Kore Player Sky Kit. I’ll edit those tomorrow.

Plus, I also tracked the metronome from the track in CE5, using the Phonic Firefly and the Behringer  Xenyx 1202 mixer. The metronome is in 3/4 time, but there is a section with a rather odd jazz-y time signature and the “rub” between the 3/4 metronome and the jazz-y bit is rather interesting, so I’ll chuck the metronome into the mix too in the relevant sections. Audio cleanup in AA3.

More tomorrow.




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